("this site") complies with laws and regulations regarding personal information protection and other standards, and in order to protect your personal information from unauthorized use, unauthorized access, information leaks, tampering, etc., we are implementing the following measures based on the personal information handling standards and personal information protection system established by this site.
When using our site's services, registering as a member, or making an inquiry, we may collect personal information to an appropriate extent in order to contact you, ship products, and inform you of service information from our site. In addition, for the same purpose, we may share your personal information with distributors and other collaborative partners. In this case, our site will be responsible for managing personal information.
* Customers may request to stop receiving invitations and e-mail newsletters at any time.
Except when required by law, this site will not provide your personal information to third parties without your prior consent.
We handle your personal information safely under strict management in accordance with our personal information handling standards and personal information protection system. Furthermore, if we outsource all or part of the handling of personal information to a third party, we will conclude a non-disclosure agreement with the third party and provide appropriate supervision to ensure thorough safety management.
If there are any changes to personal information, such as the name of the city, town, or village, postal code, or email address, that would impede the delivery of information related to our services, this site may change, correct, or delete the personal information. In addition, if a customer requests it, we will change, correct, or delete the personal information in accordance with the regulations of this site, and also disclose that personal information. Please note that if you change, correct, or delete personal information, there may be services that we cannot provide.
This site uses the customer's IP address records and cookie information recorded in the logs for the purpose of identifying and resolving problems that occur on the server, for site management purposes including grasping the status of access to the website , and for the purpose of statistically processing information. In addition, we may publish aggregated information that has been statistically processed from the information obtained by recording IP addresses and using cookies. This does not include information that can identify individual customers, so anonymity is maintained.
When a customer requests disclosure of personal information held by this site, we will disclose it to the person without delay. In this case, to confirm your identity, we will ask you to submit identification documents such as a copy of your driver's license or health insurance card.
For inquiries or complaints regarding personal information, please contact us at the address below.
Vernacle Inc. Personal Information Management Officer Yuya Matsumoto
This site complies with all laws and regulations regarding personal information.
◇ Continuous improvement of the personal information protection system
This site will continue to work on improving its internal system for protecting personal information in order to make it more robust. In doing so, this site may change the above content without prior notice, in which case the changed content will be clearly stated on this web page.
December 8, 2023
Vernacle Inc.
Yuya Matsumoto